Calvary is proud to be part of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations.
Principles of the AFLC:
Five principle reasons were stated at the organizational conference for the formation of a new fellowship. Seeking above all to be a spiritual movement, the AFLC:
Recognizes the Bible as being inerrant and the authority in all areas of life;
Recognizes that the teaching and preaching of God's Word is the main task of the Church, to be conducted in such a way that the saints are built up in the faith and unbelievers see their need for salvation;
Believes that the congregation is the right form of the Kingdom of God on earth, with no authority above it but the Word and Spirit of God;
Believes that Christian unity is a spiritual concept, not a man-made organization or body such as the World Council of Churches or the National Council of Churches;
Believes that Christians are called to be salt and light in the world, separated from the ways of the world (Pietism), and that this difference is to be reflected in the life of the congregation as well as in the institutions of the church body.
Convinced of the need for a new conservative evangelical Lutheran fellowship, as well as of the relevance of its free church heritage, the AFLC determined at its first conference to continue under the Fundamental Principles of the Lutheran Free Church, committed to promoting free and living congregations.
The AFLC is not an incorporated synod, but an association. Each local congregation is a separate corporation, and six additional corporations are sponsored by them to direct our common endeavors.
Click the button below for more information on the AFLC's beliefs.