Is Genesis History?
This study was offered this fall. It is being offered again for those who were not able to take part then. Talk to Wally Stommes to sign up or for more information. This will likely meet on Thursday evenings beginning 1/16.
Titus Ten: Foundations for Godly Manhood: Contact Joel Kleinschmidt to be part of this small group planning to meet on Sunday evenings.
Wednesday Bible Study
1 Peter
The Wednesday Bible studies at Calvary will start a new series on January 8th. Everyone is welcome to join us at 2 PM or 7 PM.
You can pick up a study guide at the Calvary Welcome Center. You can also click on the link here: BIBLE STUDY GUIDE.
The 7 PM Study will also be available as a Zoom meeting. Click HERE to join the Zoom study. The study will also be recorded and available on the Calvary YouTube Channel.